For the first storyboard, i chose the picture with the kids playing soccer because I am big sports fan, so that one caught my attention right away. I realize that they were trying to block a free kick, and not actually trying to prevent themselves from peeing their pants, but I decided to have a little fun and try to make this one funny. I chose to put the picture third mostly just because it fir there the best for the story I was trying to tell.
These transitions would be "scene-to-scene" since its a sequence of events that happen in order leading up to the ending.

For the 2
nd storyboard I chose to stick with the photo of kids playing soccer, but added in the man praying and made this story a little more serious. I put the soccer photo first, because in my story, that's where it begins for the kid who dreams of being a soccer star. I show a picture of a professional player shooting a free kick to display what he dreams of doing. The picture of the man praying is his father, which also takes place early in the story. To give a happy ending, I decided to have "main character" score a goal in the same manner in which he was practicing at a young age.
My real "ah-hah!" moment was when i realized how simple it would be to use my favorite of the 4 pictures (soccer) and to use the man praying, hoping for something to happen (which turned out to be his son.)
I think these scenes would be a "moment-to-moment" transition because of what it shows in between the action aspects of the story. The action parts are him practicing as a kid, and scoring as an adult, while the moments include his father praying and him envisioning himself as a pro. The action could be displayed in 2 pictures, but all 4 play an equally important part in the story.
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