Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lawncare decision model

With this assignment, I
tried to think of simple images that would be easily recognizable, despite my poor drawing abilities.
It is that exactly which gave me my biggest problem. Thinking of a symbol for a healthy lawn, since a thumbs up is pretty recognizable. The symbol for the temperature was only a problem for half of it, as the thermometer was pretty easy to think of. Without using numbers, I had a pretty tough time representing 90 degrees, so a 90 degree angle with an arrow was the best I could think of, since I assumed the arrow would indicate something of a higher quantity. I had the toughest time thinking of a symbol for the "dry" step in the process. First i thought to draw a sun, but soon determined that a sun would probably just be seen as another symbol of temperature, and i needed something better. This is when i hard to start thinking creatively, and came up with (what is supposed to be) a water droplet with a symbol to show that it's canceled out. That was the best I could think of, but I was happy with it. "Pests" was by far the easiest to figure out what to draw. I put my incredibly mediocre drawing abilities to work, and put together a bug that is a smiley face short of a kindergarten drawing.
I feel like I accomplished what I was trying to with this assignment, mostly because I thought of the best symbols that I was capable of drawing for each step. I also definitely accomplished what i wanted to with making it look symmetrical. The only think that I don't think i necessarily accomplished was figuring out good symbols for "yes" and "no." I was gonna just use a check mark and an X, but I already used the X for the "do nothing" option at the beginning.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Other Map

My original plan was not to do a concept map, but an affinity map. After getting frustrated from not being able to think of good enough topics about the Internet for that, i resorted to a more simple concept map. My map shows what i think are the two most general uses for the internet- for getting information and for amusement. A lot of things fell into "information" that could have had their own category, but for the sake of not having a disorganized mess, I just kept it simple. What gave me the most trouble was just giving each category enough space, since I made the mistake of writing the transition words first, so I had to compensate and branch off a bit.
With this assignment, I tried to think of the different ways in which I use the internet to fill up the map. I decided not to start naming specific websites since that could cause some spacial issues, and I didn't to leave any big ones out. I think i covered most of the basic purposes of internet use, for me at least. I liked this map because the ideas flowed very well, and I was able to just write things down as they came to me, not having to worry about it being wrong.
The part that is cut off at the bottom from social media is "staying in touch" and "meeting new people"

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This assignment really allowed me to display the words and images in any way I desired, not in any set way like a map does. For the most part, I just cut out images of people or things I recognized or liked and put them on randomly in places that i deemed suitable. The theme I recognize the most, and what people seemed to point out, is that the man in the goggles is clearly the focal point, which is what I intended since I thought that picture was the most interesting. Another thing I noticed is that there are a lot of warm colors, apart from the blue in corner. I also see a lot of characters, mostly human, but the two animals as well, giving the collage a little bit of "life."

After reflecting on my collage, I cant really see any major themes besides these. I can tell that I tried to make it look slightly unorganized by putting a few pictures on crooked too. This was partly on purpose, and partly because I was running out of time and wanted to get all of the pictures I liked in place.